CDMI - The Research Side of EMCP

Crisis Decision Making Initiative

The Crisis Decision Making Initiative (CDMI) is the academic research arm of TEAM EMCP. The primary mission of CDMI is to promote the evolution of awareness related to stress based impacts on critical decision makers. These impacts generally occur in high stress and life threatening situations and result in less than optimal strategies. With over 20 years of research to support its decision making work, CDMI has created a deployable training program that brings a high level of responder awareness of the immediate impact of stress on neurochemistry. CALM also identifies actions and interventions that decision makers can utilize to help restore connections in the brain that may be blocked by the fight or flight response. The CALM system has been successfully piloted and is currently ready to be deployed to first responder agencies. It is our goal to not only save responder lives, but also assist decision makers in reducing the expansion of incidents.

In contrast to the assistance to individual decision making that CALM creates, the APPEAL strategy is an organizational exercise that brings the healthcare emergency manager and C-Suite executives together in a formal team building structure. This new and exciting process has been presented at the Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals (AHEPP) in 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona, and has been scheduled to be repeated in several arenas.

Both the CALM Program and the APPEAL Strategy are customizable for your organization and are ready to deploy upon request.

Please Contact Us for more information on these two cutting edge programs